Please note: The Alliance will be open Monday, February 17th on President’s Day
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Create Your Own Bracket!

Follow the instructions below to join the fun!

Calling all soccer fans!

The 2022 Qatar FIFA World Cup, or should we say, la coupe du monde de football, is here finalement !
We are very excited to be watching les Bleus (France) defend their World Cup title, as well as support all Francophone teams that are playing in the competition. We want to celebrate this joyful occasion with you through a little friendly competition.
We are giving you the chance to fill out a World Cup bracket for the chance to win a free French class!
All you have to do is…
  1. Click on this highlighted link below that will take you to the AF World Bracket Challenge…

    a. Join my pool for the AF World Cup Bracket Challenge - Fill out a bracket for the 2022 tournament in Qatar!

  2. Hit “Create Bracket” and create a quick account

  3. Name your bracket

  4. Fill out your bracket predictions

  5. Submit your picks by November 20 and… win! C’est facile!

NOW…Want to create your own bracket pool with friends?
  1. Create your own group
  2. Hit the ~Invite Friends~ Button to send the link out to others!
  3. Have them follow the same instructions as above for the AF World Cup Bracket Challenge
Voilà !
Rules of the game for the AF Bracket Challenge:
-Brackets must be submitted by November 20 at 10:00 a.m. CT
-Your name must clearly appear on the bracket
-One bracket per person
-No change can be made after your bracket has been sent
To play:
-Pick the two teams you think will top each group (A,B,C etc.)
-The website will automatically fill out your “Sweet 16” bracket based on the 2 teams you picked from each of the 8 groups. Quel soulagement! Then, pick the winner you predict will advance to the next stage until you have your winner!
-You will not be able to see anyone else’s bracket until the tournament begins, but when it does on November 20, you will be able to see how well your bracket is doing compared to your friends in the pool.
Bonne chance et allez les Bleus !