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Weekly Book Recommendations from our Library #week15

18 Aug 2020 recommendation

Every week, our Librarian Renée will share with you some book recommendations for both children and adults. Recommendations are found at Culturethèque Digital library. Register here for the Alliance Française member benefit. Join today!

Ages 3+

Le mouton de Tabaski by Véronique Vernette and Arnaud Rodamel (2014)

Fadie, a young girl from Burkina Faso, is excited about preparations for the religious festival of Tabaski. Together with her uncle, she selects a perfectly-plump sheep at the market for the family’s feast. Chaos erupts in town when the sheep escapes. A story of friendship, beautifully illustrated. Culturethèque Digital Library. Storyplayr audiobook.

Ages 7+

L’arbre de l’an bientôt by Mathieu Redelspeger and Xavier Armange (2011)

Two children from a distant future visit the Museum of the Past where they encounter countless wonders—including a mysterious talking tree! Beautifully illustrated. Adults will also enjoy this imaginative story. Culturethèque Digital Library. Storyplayr audiobook.


Maigret tend un piege by Georges Simenon – Hachette (2013)

One of the all-time-classic detective novelists sets this murder-mystery in Montmartre. Readable and accessible, this story will have you on the edge of your seat. Français-facile version, with audio. Culturethèque Digital Library.


Reparer les vivants by Maylis de Kerangal (2015)

A teenager is killed in a tragic accident. This story follows the immediate aftermath for those who are left behind. Winner of numerous awards, this poetically-poignant work by Maylis de Kerangal was a huge hit in France. A hard story, beautifully written. Worth a read.

We hope you’ll enjoy la lecture of these books, stay tuned for more recommendations next week!