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Weekly Book Recommendations from our Library #week8

30 Jun 2020 recommendation

Every week, our Librarian Renée will share with you some book recommendations for both children and adults. Recommendations are found at Culturethèque Digital library. Register here for the Alliance Française member benefit. Join today!

Ages 3+

Vole, Hibou ! by Yousuke Karasawa

Birds have not always known how to fly–here’s the inspiring story of how it happened.  Culturethèque Digital Library. Storyplyr audiobook.

Ages 7+

Marie de Paris by Isabelle Pellegrini and Princesse Camcam

Follow Marie on an adventure-filled visit of Paris–the usual favorite spots along with some new twists. Culturethèque Digital Library. Storyplyr audiobook.

Learner B2 / Youth – Adult

On a volé Mona Lisa by Cécile Talguen

What happened to the Mona Lisa? Read and discover. Written for youth, adults will enjoy the story too. Culturethèque Digital Library.


Contes Divers by Guy de Maupassant (1883)

Read favorites written by this popular and accessible author–Maupassant is the master of the short story! Livre numérique. Culturethèque Digital Library.


Du Coté de Chez Swann by Marcel Proust (1913)

Widely considered to be the greatest novel of the twentieth century, this is first of the seven volumes that make up A La Recherche du Temps Perdu. A story of memories, remembrance and recollections. Curious? Now is your chance to read it! Culturethèque Digital Library.

We hope you’ll enjoy la lecture of these books, stay tuned for more recommendations next week!