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Weekly Book Recommendations from our Library #week5

09 Jun 2020 recommendation

Every week, our Librarian Renée will share with you some book recommendations for both children and adults. Recommendations are found at Culturethèque Digital library. Register here for the Alliance Française member benefit. Join today!


Cache-cache by Agnès de Lestrade and Juliette Boulard

Cocotte plays a game of hide-‘n-seek with animal friends and discovers that things are not always as they seem. Culturethèque Digital Library. Storyplyr audiobook.

Kids – Ages 7+

L’enfant et les étoiles by Xavier Armange and Juan Hernaz

Grandmother and grandchild out on a night time nature walk together encounter a lovely seagull. They imagine the fantastical adventures it would have if only it flew freely throughout the universe. Intergenerational connection, and the power of imagination. Culturethèque Digital Library. Storyplyr audiobook.

Teens / Adult Learners

Le monde des ados by Fleurus

Enjoy all the latest news on contemporary issues of interest to teens: fashion, culture, current technology, and much more. Geared to age-appropriate readers, it is also an excellent way for French students to learn new vocabulary  Culturethèque Digital Library.

Beginner to Intermediate Level

Les misérables by Victor Hugo (1862) ; Hachette Français Facile, Volumes 1-3

An edited, condensed, and re-imagined adaptation of Hugo’s original masterpiece–the all-time literary classic and social commentary with themes that resonate today. At 200+ pages, the volumes can be considered a warm up to the actual work that weighs in at over 1400 pages. Culturethèque Digital Library. Audiobook.

Intermediate to Advanced

Le sanglot de l’homme noir by Alain Mabanckou (2012)

The award-winning author–born in Congo and who teaches literature at UCLA– explores the challenges facing black people in the world today. Mabanckou examines the legacy of slavery and colonialism, while distancing himself from some accepted narrative. A thought provoking read. Culturethèque Digital Library.


Madame Bovary by Flaubert (1856)

A beautiful young woman, desperate to escape her mundane provincial life, throws caution to the wind in the attempt. Considered Flaubert’s masterpiece, prosecutors initially attacked the work for its less-than-discreet content. Due in part to the controversy, it was an immediate bestseller. A bit of a cautionary tale. Culturethèque Digital Library.

We hope you’ll enjoy la lecture of these books, stay tuned for more recommendations next week!